Human by Design - What if your tech disruption is bad for humanity?
We decided to join this year’s South Summit as the topic is something that truly matters to all of us in the era of AI disruption
Hey, we are Ramón Rodrigáñez and Andrea Marino, Co-Founders at Nova, the Global Top Talent Network.
Welcome to Talent First, our newsletter where those who believe that talent is the most important resource in the economy get together.
Every week we cover a new topic related to attracting, hiring, developing, and retaining talent, as well as the learnings from our journey building Nova.
Human by design. This year’s South Summit will be happening under the topic “Human by Design”. We believe this is a critical theme that does not appear often in current conversations around tech and AI and is more critical than ever. Since it aligns with our values and most likely those of you, our Talent First readers, we have decided to participate as a company for the first time and go all in. Let’s dive deeper into why this topic matters today, in the era of AI disruption, and why this might be a cool event for you as well.
The Nova Podcast is coming 🎙️. We have started interviewing top Novas and external top talent (who would have been Novas if they were younger) and you will be seeing and listening to us quite soon. Who do you want us to interview?
1. Human by design - Why Nova goes all in for South Summit 2024
If you have never been to South Summit, it’s quite an experience. The event takes place in Madrid every year around June and is, by far, the most famous and most relevant startup event in Southern Europe (with permission from 4YFN, which is less of a thing itself by could be more relevant in the context of MWC, the largest tech fair in the world).
This year’s topic - “Human by Design”
Although the startup competition of every edition of South Summit is a great reason to participate in the event, what got us truly hooked on the event this year was the topic: “Human by Design”. This year, South Summit’s theme touches on a crucial dilemma for all of us who are lucky to live in the era of the fastest technological disruption and can be part of shaping it, and we wanted to be part of the conversation. This is how South Summit has explained the topic:
Let’s dive into the future of technology and business from a HUMAN perspective to ensure that innovation stays true to improving lives and advancing humanity.
This topic matters today because many of the new technologies which have emerged in the last century, although have provided an era of incredible growth and prosperity, are also behind some of the deepest and most dangerous problems we face as a civilization.
For instance, fossil fuels are behind the transport revolution which has helped connect the world to unprecedented levels, yet they are also responsible for the biggest threat to humanity: climate change. The same has happened more recently with other key technological disruptions:
The Internet, which is one of the best inventions of mankind across all fronts (productivity, connections, entertainment, etc.), is still largely driven by traffic seeking porn, gambling, and similar addictions which are not helping society progress.
Gaming, which has grown as the biggest entertainment industry above cinema or TV and created thousands of hours of great entertainment and millions of jobs, is however behind dramas like mass murder in US schools and normalization of violence among kids.
Smartphones, which disrupt mobility and have become our most useful tools, are behind the current pandemic of addiction to screens, lack of sleep, and children's obesity.
Social Media, which has disrupted our capacity to socialize and interact with other human beings, is nonetheless behind tough problems such as bullying or depression.
Do not get us wrong: we believe these advancements have been overall extremely positive for society and have overcome the downsides with incredible upsides. However, it is key to realize that all of these technological disruptions came with unforeseen consequences that have damaged hundreds of thousands of human beings.
As entrepreneurs and startup founders, we are optimists by nature with the upcoming disruptions. This means we are hopeful that the current disruption driven by Artificial Intelligence will most likely impact humans for the good, liberating humans from low value-added, more repetitive tasks which are less “human” by definition.
However, if we want to avoid the same harmful consequences other technological disruptions have had in the past, it’s crucial that we (the entrepreneurs and leaders creating these technologies, probably not so much our politicians who will always be a bit late), create them with a more human approach, thinking harder about second and third order consequences of the things we develop.
“Human by Design” at Nova
For instance, we at Nova have 2 good recent examples of the implementation of technological advances that have created in us ethical questions that we need to address if we want our tech to be truly good for humanity.
First, we have been using AI for a few weeks to review video interviews. This means that from now on, not all interviews and scores to join Nova will be given by our Talent Scouters, who used to process all of these answers, watching hundreds or even thousands of videos every month and scoring each of them 1-5 on a certain skill. This is generally good, as it will liberate our people from probably the most boring task in the company (it’s great for a while until you listen to +1.000 and start to get truly bored about it).
“Human by Design” means that we have to be careful with these developments and try to predict those second and third-order consequences that might arise. In this case, we have wondered what happens with potential biases the AI may have, as well as with the risks of changing the way we select people to favor some kind of skill or the risk of suddenly accepting lower quality talent and rejecting high potential individuals.
As we will explain in the event, the way the AI has been trained together with the fact that our system transcribes the answer to each question and compares it with a text training we have provided, without any image or video input, makes the system not have any clue of the candidate’s age, race gender, religion, political views or other potential sources of bias. It’s less biased in that sense than any trained team of human interviewers we could have. Moreover, the system is closely supervised by humans who make a random verification on the AI to understand how accurate it is against trained human reviewers, and we have decided to still trust a human being to make each final call on who joins and who is still not ready.
Second, we have been developing a new social media app. As we have been focusing more on our members’ platform (now also available on iOS and Android) since the change to the paid membership, we have put most of our tech and product team resources into developing the member app and trying to increase the value and engagement for members. Nevertheless, since we are in the end some kind of social media platform, we want users to spend some time in our app to get value and we have started to use tools such as notifications to bring them back to the app and the conversation, which have proven damaging for many people on other Social Media platforms.
Here, “Human by Design” means taking a deep look at each notification and curating them so they are truly relevant and value-adding. For instance, at Nova, not all in-app notifications (red bubble you see outside of the app or once you open it) are delivered as a push notification, and we are constantly revising the thresholds that make you receive notifications so they are few but enough to keep you posted on what matters to you.
This is the radical opposite of what LinkedIn is doing: LinkedIn sends you dozens of notifications daily, all of them push, and makes you come and go with peaks of dopamine and as many phone pickups as they can generate daily. The same happens when we design the number of people you can connect with or how often we present you with relevant people: “Human by Design” is doing it in a way that will be curated and relatively low so it’s truly beneficial for our members as a human beings and, by being so, hopefully makes them pay our membership and stay with us in the long run.
Sessions and speakers you might enjoy
If the topic did not resonate with you, the list of amazing sessions and speakers during the event is just outstanding, so you might want to join just because of that. You will be able to hear from some of Europe’s best VCs and unicorns on topics ranging from climate tech to cybersecurity, fintech, industry 5.0, and, across categories, AI.
We will participate in a session called “It’s Tech Talent Turn: AI in Recruitment”. On June 5th, in the Sandbox Stage at 12h40pm, we will explore how artificial intelligence is revolutionizing recruitment processes together with Cecily Motley (Co-Founder at, Mohamed Gaber (Co-Founder & CEO at Velents) and Anastasiia Kuzmenko (Head of Talent Acquisition at Flyer One Ventures ). In this session, as we just described, we will dive deeper into the recent introduction of AI in our selection process and how it has helped us both reduce our CAC but also mitigate our biases in the selection of Novas.
As Talent First readers, we also believe you might be interested in:
“Nurturing Brilliance: Fostering Tomorrow’s Talent” with Clémence Mauchamp Founder and CEO at LeadHers, Leanne Mair, CEO & Founder at Benefactum Consulting, and Nico de Luis Founder & COO at Shakers
“Game Changer: Future of Work” with Martin Umaran Co-Founder & EMEA President, Chief Corporate Development Officer at Globant
“The Human Edge: How Team Culture Drives Scale-Up Success” with Alister Moreno, CEO&Founder at Clikalia
Although the list of great speakers is so big we would fit the entire newsletter only with them, if you come to Madrid between June 5th and June 7th, you probably do not want to miss the 2 headliners Marc Randolph (Co-Founder at Netflix) and Steven Barlett (Creator of “Diary of a CEO”, Europe’s #1 podcast)
The startup competition
We had applied for the startup competition 2 times, always went through the first filter into the “semifinal”, but never made it to the 100 finalists that pitch in the Summit. Maybe because our business is better today than what it was in previous years, or maybe because this year’s topic matches our values and industry quite well, or maybe a combination of both, we got chosen to be part of the finalists. Nova will be competing against 9 other cool startups in the vertical “Future of Work and Talent”:

The pitch lasts only 3 minutes, which is so short that you cannot cover all the typical topics in a pitch (problem, solution, why now, market size, competition, business model, traction, etc.), but we will do our best to shine in those 3 minutes.
How Nova will participate - join us!
All of these made good reasons for Nova to participate in this edition. Thus, we decided to take a semi-big booth (they are quite expensive 😅) and decided to go all in. During the 3 days, we will:
First, give away free event tickets - participate on Instagram, and LinkedIn!
Second, give away free executive coaching sessions - participate here!
Third, host 2 meditation group sessions - they will happen on Wednesday, June 5th, and Thursday, June 6th at 6 pm - join here!
Host a great after-work in our office in downtown Madrid - get your ticket here!
And many, many more things which we cannot tell you about - you will have to come to the event to see them!
We will both (Andrea and Ramón) spend most of the 3 days around the Nova booth, so come say hi if you pass by.
2. Shape the Nova Podcast
We are super excited to be launching our podcast very very soon! We have already interviewed 5 top profiles and we will be interviewing more soon to be able to release a weekly video podcast 🔥🔥🔥
As readers of our weekly newsletter, we have probably started to know each other. That is why we wanted to take the time to ask you who would you like us to interview. Share in the comments!
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